Steam - Unfix Festival NYC 2022
“A ritual shedding giving rise to steam, the activated wedding of the elements of fire and water. Potential energy from the floodwaters, means from the mire, activated, amplified, finding flight with the heat of the sun, open and undone, a stirring through mourning towards morning at the dynamic axis whereby fire transfigures water to steam and water quenches fire. An investigation of ghostly practice as a potentiating dance between and within material and immaterial forces and conditions, bringing will to form through the conjuration of elemental spirits and the manipulation of presence through and beyond the body.”
May 21st, 2022 - Grace & St. Paul's Church - New York City
Solo performance by Jacquelyn Marie Shannon
Live music by Kelvin Daly
Photographs by @krzysien and Brandon Perdomo

Photographer: Brandon Perdomo